Giles, Michelle, Graham, Laura, Parker, Vicki, Wiggers, John, Foureur, Maralyn, Ball, Jean, King, Jennie, Watts, Wendy, Harris, Alison, Oldmeadow, Christopher, Ling, Rod, Paul, Michelle, O'Brien, Anthony. Wiley-Blackwell; 2019. Implementation of a multifaceted nurse-led intervention to reduce indwelling urinary catheter use in four Australian hospitals: A cluster controlled study..
Browne, Katrina, White, Nicole, Kiernan, Martin, Brain, David, Mitchell, Brett G., Tehan, Peta, Russo, Philip L., Amin, Maham, Stewardson, Andrew J., Cheng, Allen C., Graham, Kirsty, O’Kane, Gabrielle, King, Jennie. BioMed Central (BMC); 2023. A Randomised Controlled Trial Investigating the Effect of Improving the Cleaning and Disinfection of Shared Medical Equipment on Healthcare-Associated Infections: the CLEaning and Enhanced DisiNfection (CLEEN) Study.
Browne, Katrina, White, Nicole M., Kiernan, Martin, King, Jennie, Brain, David, Mitchell, Brett G., Russo, Philip L., Cheng, Allen C., Stewardson, Andrew J., Matterson, Georgia, Tehan, Peta E., Graham, Kirsty, Amin, Maham, Northcote, Maria. The Lancet Publishing Group; 2024. Investigating the effect of enhanced cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment on health-care-associated infections in Australia (CLEEN): a stepped-wedge, cluster randomised, controlled trial.